two-storey side & rear extension & remodelling, warrington
The already extended four bedroom large detached dwelling in a sought after Warrington area is being further extended and remodelled to provide its occupants with a modern living spaces and additional rooms, such as master en-suite and dressing room.
In addition to adding the master suite on the first floor, the property is being remodelled to improve the flow of spaces and create an open-plan kitchen-dining-family area on the ground floor. Little details such as sunken lounge or window seat were added as well.
With the existing dwelling already extended, the new remodel will also provide a new “facelift” at the front and rear. The requirement to step the first floor extension one meter away from the side boundary created a natural ground floor base that will be rendered and will wrap around to the rear, tying in with the remodelled rear single-storey extension. A new front porch will finish the look at the front too.